These 3d images were built using the antique stereogram technique. To view, just look in the middle of the two pictures of the pair you want to see in 3d,
and let your eyes drift. Then three pictures will be seen, the midde one being in 3d. For example, using the 3d mesh below, let the eyes drift until the black
hemispheres at the focus of the mesh on the brick plate both merge together, Then the center of the three pcitures is in 3d. Or if you like, cut them out and
view them with an old stereo viewer. The book has several such examples. More may be added here depending on how often this web page is accessed.   
Some are real dials, some are made in TurboCAD.    

Some of the dials in the book are on the
virtual page of this web site, either asis, or in the virtual worlds. As vrml objects you can rotate and study them. The
Jaipur India virtual world has a virtual world you can walk around, and click to learn more about the dials there. Also, there is a garden of virtual dials you
may walk around and study. Most virtual worlds on this web site include an animated moon/eart/sun model, as well as a full solar system in animation.

Some of my 3d CAD images first appeared on The
Sundial Primer web site which has a CAD dial section.
next page here

Page 1 ~ of the author's sundials  polar, horizontal, stained glass, meridian, capuchin,  shepherds, vertical, durer, globe, cube, decliners, inclined
decliners, armillary, equatorial, etc.  
(concrete, glass, copper) - outside or long lasting.  

Page 2 ~ fine detail yet less weather proof. (PVC, wood, etc)

Page 3 ~ artistic photos of the dials in book 2. Some are rather interesting or amusing. Some bad weather (snow) pictures.

and some of the author's stained glass non sundial work.

and some 3d JPG pics also here, and also here, of sundials, both real, and 3d CAD, just for fun.

and some antique or collectible dials in the author's collection