NanoCAD (free programmable CAD)
programming JAVA script NanoCAD visual basic  sundials sun dials
NanoCAD ~ VBS    

  • free 2D system
  • programmable using VBS (and JavaScript, LISP etc)
  • several dial VBS dial programs here ~ hDial, vDial, vDec
  • and a JS hDial program is in there also
  • they show the gnomons graphically
  • all derived data is also depicted in text
  • the vDial, vDec, and hDial depict calendar or declination curves

The NanoCADCAD system is free, supports VBS, and is an excellent CAD system. It is excellent as a free programmable
system, and as a drafting system. If you need a free sundial drafting system with sundial programs, this is a very good system to


NanoCAD works on Windows 8 and Vista, and it works without needing extra software. This is a serious contender to other
programmable CAD systems and far exceeds many "free" products, well worth trying it. The system needs a serial number
(automated) and a license (also automated). Easy to install and run BUT
please read the notes as they will save you time.

I have tested NanoCAD 4.5 as well as NanoCAD 5, and updated the notes to reflect the changes.

NanoCAD has a spreadsheet feature, uses degrees as opposed to radians, and tan is "tg" and atan is "atg". However, while I have an
hDial DWG file with an embedded hDial dynamic spreadsheet, I have not yet been able to draw lines based on the tabular x,y
coordinates. (NOTE: Excel, Kingsoft, and Open Office can draw hour lines from a spreadsheet, see the main sheet:-

The vertical declining dial using
VBS macros in NanoCAD
(and one in
javaScript also)
and notes on
Also consider FreeCAD and also
Powerdraw both of which are free
All my macros and programs are
free for NanoCAD, FreeCAD,
and DeltaCAD
download Programming Shadows,
it is free, and has many hints to get
you up to speed on many languages