programming JAVA sundials sun dials
Octave free math system yet programmable...
                       closely compatible with MATLAB from MATHWORKS  

                               (horizontal dial programs)
                               Compare with SciLab and Euler.  Good packages.                                                                                      

The Octave math system is very powerful in displaying the results of mathematical functions. It is also programmable, but like many
other such systems, the documentation is great once you know it all, but sadly lacking in the real world of human input, practical
programming, and usable output. Octave is available from:-   

http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/      (to which www.octave.org send you)

Dial programs in Octave code ~ ~ ~
Download this file which has the notes on how to download Octave, how to load the dial programs,
and some pointers. The dial programs work. The graphical display area aspect ratio is correct. Programs are provided for the h-dial
(text only as well as graphic), v-dial, and v-dec dial plates..

PBE model of programming  ~ ~ ~ (programming by example).

This section continues the "PBE" philosophy, namely "Programming By Example". Having started programming in 1966, and having
written code for BAL, PL/I, RPG, COBOL, ALGOL, APL, FORTRAN, C, BASIC, C++, LISP, and for operating systems from mainframe
DOS, MFT, MVT, VS1, MVS, GCP (under VM), UNIX, and various PC operating systems, I have become jaded enough to wade right in
and see what works, rather than read several hundred pages of text that mix the language with the object oriented concepts with the
development system.

The major problems with current computer languages are:-

1.     Manuals and HELP systems are designed for those who already know the system
2.     They seldom if ever provide simple programs stipped to bare bones that take input, do something, display graphical output
3.      They often have complex build processes, or, very large libraries. Scilab does not, which is in its favor.

So, these web pages are intended to show practical solutions using systems other than the common ones, and to provide a basis for
you to develop further. These examples, give you that leg up.
download Programming
Shadows, it is free, and has
many hints to get you up to
speed on many languages