While this is a free compiler, please note the desire of the providers to solicit donations. This is a compiler, and a linker, and runs well. It installed first time, has some manuals, and works. I have, as always, placed into my notes the command line to compile, the command line to link (from object of the compiler to an executable), and my notes also have a batch file to do it all, and it begins with editing the program, then compiling, then linking, then running, then viewing the output.
This is part of my battle to bring back the legacy languages so diallists can have fun with their journey into gnomonics. Als it is part of my battle to bring back sense into languages used for automation. FORTRAN having been around longer than I have been in programming, and that started in the mid 60s for me.
Download these notes on how to get the free compiler, how to run it, and also the zip file which has the source, object, executable, and the notes.
Simon's FORTRAN notes These use my PBE model of programming, see below. This has the code and how to download the compiler, how to download a good FORTRAN language manual, how to compile, how to link (just like in the good old days of linkage editors), and how to run it. (notes improved)
Simon's notes and program In ZIP format this is the notes as above, plus the source code, as well as the object deck (intermediate file between compiling and linking to make the executable), and the executable file.
PBE model of programming ~ ~ ~ (programming by example).
This section continues the "PBE" philosophy, namely "Programming By Example". Having started programming in 1966, and having written code for BAL, PL/I, RPG, COBOL, ALGOL, APL, FORTRAN, C, BASIC, C++, and for operating systems from mainframe DOS, MFT, MVT, VS1, MVS, GCP (under VM), UNIX, and various PC operating systems, I have become jaded enough to wade right in and see what works, rather than read several hundred pages of text that mix the language with the object oriented concepts with the development system. PBE it is.
FORTRAN is typed, so work has to be done to explicitly convert REAL to INTEGER, etc.
This system, like the PASCAL and the C++ systems on this web site, produce simple executables that can be sent as is, and run. The executables do not need a million support files, and the source code isn't scattered all over creation. Unlike the Visual BASIC and the JAVA systems.
ALSO ~ ~ ~ Another way of playing with FORTRAN II is to use the IBM 7094 simulator, see this page, which is small to download, and if you use my 7094 zip file, you get an h-dial program in FORTRAN II and the system is fun.
download Programming Shadows, it is free, and has many hints to get you up to speed on many languages